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Motherboard scan user flash feature

I have netboot 0.8.1 working (w/ floppy startup)on Redhat 6.0.  I have
an Intel SE440BX-2 Motherboard w/ Pentium II.  The Intel motherboard has
a "Scan User Flash Area" feature in the BIOS setup.  The documentation
on this is skimpy.  All I have found in the docs is that the BIOS can
scan the flash area for user binaries.  This sounds like I can use it
for the netboot image but I cannot find any more info on this feature.
Is anyone familiar with this?  It seems that many of the new
motherboards have this feature.   Can I use it for netboot?  If so, what
tool do I use to write the netboot image.flash to the user flash area?
Excuse me if this is a repeat question...I'm a newbie.:)

Richard Schroeder

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