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Re: Support for DHCP?

At 11:25 AM 1/12/98 +1100, you wrote:
>>Mike Hammer writes:
>... However if you have some experience
>with this please post to the list. The address obtained by the boot ROM
>is only needed for the duration of the tftp load and doesn't even have
>to be the same as the one that the kernel obtains later.
Hello Ken,

I'm starting to understand DHCP in differences with BOOTP.  For sometime
now, i've been exclusively using Linux box for hosting remote clients
booting with bootpd and tftpd.  I would like to try adding Windows NT
however NT does *not* support bootpd and tftpd, however has dhcp server.
I believe dhcp server in NT does support some level of bootp thus
NT dhcp server should be able to service bootp requests.  I'm investigating
this now.

As for tftpd, NT does not have it.

I guess William A. Arbaugh is the man who's looking to possibly
integrate dhcp support into etherboot.  I wonder how difficult would
it be to inplement bootpd and tftpd using winsock under win32 platform?

Best regards,


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