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Re: Problems with netboot 0.7.2


In article <199709120553.PAA14762@vindaloo.atnf.CSIRO.AU> you wrote:
>   I've just downloaded the latest packet driver from and
> am trying to build boot image with it.

Am I guessing right that you found the address of SMC's FTP server, as
you mentioned in your earlier mail? ;-)))

> I'm not having much sucess. I
> specify "user defined packet driver" and give it the full pathname,
> but no matter what set of arguments I provide for the packet driver,
> it doesn't work.

Have you ever tried to install that packet driver when running DOS? You
should be able to use the same command line for netboot as you can use
when running under DOS.

> If I don't specify the software interrupt, I get an
> error message from the SMC packet driver and "PKTDRV ERROR: no int"
> when I boot the image. With any of the following command lines, I get
> an "PKTDRV ERROR: Invalid PKTDRVR" error:
> -d 0x62

This should be sufficient. I will dig deeper into it ASAP, and then get
back to you.

> begin 644 gpk115.exe
> [...]

Argh!!! It would have been much better to send this to me personally in-
stead of into the mailing list! Please, don't send any such large binary
into this list anymore. Thanks.


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  - Werner von Braun
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