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Re: Cannot Compile mknbi-blkdev

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Heinrich Rebehn writes:
 > I tried to compile mknbi from etherboot-3.1, but a Makefile and/or
 > configure scripts was missing, also there was no ../common.h.
 > Copying mknbi-blkdev into the netboot-tree also did not work.
 > Where can i find the missing files?

If I remember correctly, then the files are not actually missing, but
something about the configuration script is not entirely correct. You
even be able to ignore the error message, but I think, Ken will be
able to give you a better answer, because he built the archive.

 > Another question: Can i also boot from SCSI-Disks (w/BIOS-Support)?

Sure. That is what I have been doing and I did not have any
problems. As long as the SCSI controller has a BIOS, then the BOOT
Eprom will not be able to tell whether this is an IDE or SCSI disk.

Or was your question meant to ask, whether you could install the BOOT
Image on a SCSI disk, rather than in an EPROM? If this is what you
want to do, then you should use the masquerading code in the "contrib"
directory. It will allow you to use LILO (or any other boot loader
that knows about loading Linux) to load the image.


P.S.: I would suggest that you should subscribe to the netboot
      mailinglist. For more information take a look at

Markus Gutschke                         Internet:
Infoscape, Inc                          Phone:    +1-415-537-3778
657 Mission Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94105

Disclaimer: The above message represents my personal opinion; It does
            not constitute an offical statement by Infoscape!

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