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Re: Cannot Compile mknbi-blkdev

> Try this:
> Copy the mknbi-blkdev tree to under netboot-0.6.1 and edit configure,
> (or edit config/ and remake the configure script) and
> to include mknbi-blkdev in the list of SUBDIRS to
> configure, then run ./configure.
> Let me know how it goes so I can correct for 3.2.

It works!

Changes in config/configure.h:

reno{rebehn} 57:  diff netboot-0.6.1/config/
< AC_ARG_ENABLE(mknbi-blkdev, [  --disable-mknbi-blkdev disable
compiling mknbi-blkdev (default=enabled)],
<       [if test "$enableval" = "yes"; then SUBDIRS="$SUBDIRS
mknbi-blkdev"; fi],
<       [SUBDIRS="$SUBDIRS mknbi-blkdev"])
<       mknbi-blkdev/Makefile


Also, I deleted the definitions for i_addr and i_long in
mknbi-blkdev/mknbi.h because they were already included
from common.h.

Yet one question: If the bootp server becomes unavailable,
how can i achieve that the bootprom falls back to booting
from floppy/hard disk (The "normal" boot sequence) instead
of waiting indefinitely?

Thanks for your help

Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341

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