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Re: problem netbooting 286s


Ken Yap <> wrote:
> >You cannot have a size different from the standard floppy sizes (e.g. 360k,
> >1.2M etc.) due to limitations within DOS. Why do you want to have a smaller
> >floppy image size?
> What I meant is when you make a tagged image from a directory instead
> of from a floppy image, there is no choice of ramdisk size, if I read
> the documentation and sources correctly. The bootblock supplied
> (boot.S) has parameters for a 1.44 ramdisk. 286s generally only have
> 384 kB XMS and would not be able to hold a larger ramdisk. In any case
> most standalone applications would fit on a 360 kB floppy and there's
> no point using up more XMS than necessary.

360kB would probably be no problem to implement. But anything different from
the standard formats, e.g. 360kB, 1.2MB, 1.44MB etc. (there are some other
formats available as well) will not be recognized by DOS as a valid floppy
disk. However, if you want to select your own ram disk size, you can still
use the -c option to mknbi-dos and let it simulate a hard disk.

I will tell you when I have implemented some mechanism for selecting the
floppy image size.


It takes a smart man to know when he's stupid.
  - Barney Rubble
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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