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Only printing Dots

After getting several NIC's to work with
netboot, I'm having now a real problem.

This time I use a Schneider & Koch NIC.
The type is:
SK-NET G16+ PCI 10/100
It is a PnP 32-Bit PCI Busmaster Fast
Ethernet Card with 10Base-T , 100Base-TX
and Full-Duplex mode.

I figured out that this is an OEM. The 
original Name is:

The chip they are using is "digital 21140-AE".

The packet driver is shipped with the driver 
disk. There are no errors with make bootrom.
The floppy image and packet driver are loaded
without errors and the correct parameters are
reported by the packet driver initialization. 
The boot process hangs while sending BOOTP
requests (it is only printing dots).


1. tested the packet driver
I build a sane DOS Bootdisk, booted the PC, 
loaded the packet driver with the same options
I'm using for bootrom, loaded etherdrv.exe
and had no problems with PING, TELNET and FTP.
--> Conclusion, the packet driver works.

2. logged the bootpd from server
I logged the bootpd process of the server and
also did a tcpdump of the communication.
bootpd[96]: version 2.4.3
bootpd[96]: bootptab mtime: Wed Jun  3 15:14:43 1998
bootpd[96]: reading "/etc/bootptab"
bootpd[96]: read 2 entries (1 hosts) from "/etc/bootptab"
bootpd[96]: recvd pkt from IP addr
bootpd[96]: bootptab mtime: Wed Jun  3 15:14:43 1998
bootpd[96]: request from Ethernet address 00:00:5A:18:04:6C
bootpd[96]: found (jojo)
bootpd[96]: bootfile="/tftpboot/client/bootImage"
bootpd[96]: vendor magic field is
bootpd[96]: sending reply (with RFC1048 options)
bootpd[96]: setarp - 00:00:5A:18:04:6C
--> Conclusion, the packet driver is sending a request
    which is recognized by the server and answered
    correctly. This is also shown by tcpdump.


It looks to me that the NIC/Packet Driver is not
receiving the response from the server, but under
DOS everything is working fine between server and

So, what can I do to solve my problem?

Any suggestions?


Bernd Fehling
University Bielefeld, Library

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