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Re: tftpboot

Sebastien Maraux writes:
 > I think that it would be better to install lilo, and then boot windows
 > from the lilo prompt, because I'm sure that it works and the linux loader
 > can boot on linux kernel (offcourse), But I don't think that windows NT
 > boot manager can handle linux.

Theoretically, both solutions should be possible. You should be able
to use NT to load LILO and you should also be able to use LILO to
start the NT bootloader. I have seen both solutions work before, but
in my experience the former has _always_ worked whereas the latter
would sometimes break for completely unknown reasons and I was then
never able to fix it again (this has been nagging at me; I am not
usually somebody who is easily defeated by a computer doing something
I don't want it to do). So now, all my machines are configured so that
the NT boot loader starts LILO when I want to run Linux. I haven't
tried loading an etherboot image this way, though.


Markus Gutschke                         Internet:
Infoscape, Inc                          Phone:    +1-415-544-4762
100 Broadway, 2nd floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Disclaimer: The above message represents my personal opinion; it does
            not constitute an official statement by Infoscape!

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