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Fwd (from Ken): Tulip hackers wanted for Etherboot

As by Ken's request I am forwarding this message to the mailing
list. He is currently experiencing technical difficulties getting mail 
through to the list server:

David Sharp has contributed a Tulip driver for FreeBSD netboot which I
have ported to Etherboot. Initial reports by Andreas Mack suggest that
it works on a couple of chips. Unfortunately the Tulip family is not one
chip or even a tree of upward compatible chips, but many similar chips,
all slightly different. I'm looking for people to help *write* and test
the conditional code that will get executed to initialise the chip. (The
Linux driver also has to deal with this mess.) Also the autosensing
code. If you are willing to help code, please contact me by email and I
will tell you where to get the latest prerelease containing the Tulip
driver. All contributions will be acknowledged in the documentation,
as always.

	Thanks, Ken

PS: See here for a list of NICs using a Tulip family chip:

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