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Etherboot 4

Hello Marcus and the rest of you!

I am currently developing a SMC9000 driver for use with etherboot 4,
but I have run in to some trouble.

I have gotten to a state where I can boot and download a tagged image, 
but when it executes only the sign on message shows up, eg. "Linux Net
Boot Image Loader" then it seems to hang. This happens with images
buildt with mknbi from both etherboot 4.0 and netboot 0.8.1.

I could not find this version of failure mentioned anywhere in the docs
and I am running out of ideas to test.

Just to double check I tried to use the NE driver to boot a box with an
original NE1000 card, it failed in the same way. 
I wanted to use th binary shipped with etherboot but my NE1000 crashes
the box if the first address that is probed is incorrect, and it seems
th first address that is probed by default is 0x280 which can't be used
with a standard NE1000. So I had to rebuild the ROM with another addres
s (0x300 or 0x360 for example) probed first. 

Maybe I have some problem with my build environment? I currently have
the following tool versions installed:

bash$ rpm -q gcc  
bash$ rpm -q binutils
bash$ rpm -q bin86

I would be grateful for any hints.


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