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Re: Etherboot-4.0pre7 broken!

>On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 18:06:48 +0200 (MET DST), you wrote:
>>It looks like 4.0pre7 is broken somewhere in the ansi stuff. Here is
>>the setup :
>> -DANSIESC -DGFX -MOTD -IMAGEMENU defined in config
>>tried to make ne.rom
>>output : romsize of 65536 not big enough for data
>		^^^^^^^^...
>No, you get this error when trying to compile on a system without glibc2 and
>the new gcc, in my case RH4.2.
>On a Debian 2 system everything works fine, and the romsize becomes 16K.

If somebody has the time, could they see if they can get it to work
with an older binutils release. I suspect the fix is to not tell ld
to output binary with -oformat binary, but to generate ELF as normal,
then add an extra step of objcopy to convert to binary.

I don't have a RH4.2 system anymore so I cannot verify that this will

	Thanks, Ken

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