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Re: WD driver lockup (happens with etherboot 3.2 AND 4)

>I have a BIG problem with the netboot driver for WD cards.
>Here at my university's lab I have 4 old EISA-486 with SMC Ultra (8216C)
>While 1 of them with an Adaptec AHA 2740 and 16MB RAM works fine, the 3
>other machines have AHA 1740 adapters and 28MB RAM.
>These 3 machines hang when the driver probes the card. It prints out the MAC
>adress, and then the cursor freezes. I have tried various configurations
>with these horrible EISA-config-utils, but none works.
>Using some printf's, I found the lockup to be here:
>After the MAC adress "OK 1" is printed and then the driver hangs.
>[ns8390.c, line 562ff]

What's probably happening is that the probe for the WD cards is triggering
the SCSI adapter and hanging the system. At line 487 or thereabouts there
is a loop that scans through ALL possible addresses of the WD card. I
should probably replace this blind loop with a list of addresses which
is more convenient to redefine. Unfortunately I won't get to it until
after Easter.

Try hacking it to check only one address---the one you want---by
redefining WD_LOW_BASE and WD_HIGH_BASE and tell me if that fixes the

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