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Re: FYI: ld ver. 2.7 problems with 4.0pre

>I've found that the 4.0pre code has problems with ld version 2.7. This is 
>the version shipped with redhat 4.2.  Basically, the problem is that ld 
>creates a huge binary image. I guess objdump took care of this. Redhat 5.0 
>(ld ver 2.8.1) is fine.
>You may want to list this as a known problem so you don't too much mail 
>about it after release.

Thanks Bill, I'll do that.

BTW, Vlad tells me I forgot to symlink src/i82586.c to src-{16,32}. Please
do that if you want to test the 3c507. The NI5210 doesn't work yet.

I should also mention to the list that I got the NI6510 working today.
It's so similar to the NE2100 that it was just a few lines of change.
If anybody wants it soon, I'll put out another prerelease.


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