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Re: hardware question


Dubyo <> wrote:
> I am new to the subject, but already make plans for using the netboot
> feature on some commodore 286s. I have Novell NE 1000 nics (10 years
> old!)

You can use the Crynwr NE1000 packet driver with netboot. However, if
your card only supports 8kB ROMs (which are very hard to find if you can
find them at all, BTW) you will have to use FlashCard to get the code
into your system as it will be larger than 8kB. It's probably cheaper
and easier to get a new NE2000 clone and burn a proper netboot EPROM
for it.


I'm growing older, but not up.
  - Jimmy Buffett
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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