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Re: Is redhat outdate? (was Re: Is etherboot outdated?

Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:

>Hi again,
>Looking at the man page of objdump in a redhat machine 4.1, linux 2.0.27,
>I realized that there the options -k -q -o are legal, but the man page is
>very similar to the one in my debian/linux box. Quite strange.

Some other people have reported that newer versions of objdump don't
have the -k flag. If somebody knows why FSF removed it and what they
expect to be used in its place, I would appreciate it if you could
share the info with us. For now, I can only suggest to use an older
version of objdump.

>The redhat linux box is not a i386 but a sparc workstation, so my question
>is now: is it safe to produce the image files in a non-i386 machine?
>are there not problems with endian dependences, etc?

I think that as long as you have a cross compiler, assembler and linker
for i386, objdump should do the right thing. I cannot be sure though
there are no endian dependencies in any supporting tools. Please try it
and let us know how it went.

	Cheers, Ken

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