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Re: Booting with PCI NE2k

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Harald Brueckner writes:
 > It is a NE2k clone (and Linux detects it as a NE2k card) and it
 > even has a PROM socket but it gets not detected by any boot loader
 > I tried.  I think the problem comes from the I/O port which gets
 > automatically set to 0xe400 (by the PCI BIOS) with this PCI card
 > (at least in my special case).  With ISA cards I/O is defined from
 > 0x0000 - 0x1fff I think. Just PCI moves that I/O ports to that high
 > addresses. :-/

It should be very easy to patch the source code for etherboot. If you
are lucky, then all you have to do is edit "src-32/Makefile" and add
the port address to the line that reads:

   NEFLAGS=	-DINCLUDE_NE -DNE_SCAN=0x280,0x300,0x320,0x340

Of course, this is not a general solution to the problem and it will
only work with your card. Actually, it might even fail to work when
you switch motherboards and/or add/remove other PCI cards. At the very
least, I would add these ports 0xE000, 0xE100, 0xE200, ..., 0xEF00. To
avoid problems when probing ports on other cards, make sure that you
list 0xE400 as the first address in the list. So this is how you want
to change the line:

   NEFLAGS=	-DINCLUDE_NE -DNE_SCAN=0xE400,0x280,0x300,0x320,0x340,0xE000,0xE100,0xE200,0xE300,0xE500,0xE600,0xE700,0xE800,0xE900,0xEA00,0xEB00,0xEC00,0xED00,0xEE00,0xEF00

Just for the record; I know that other cards use 0x6?00 as their base
address. So anybody trying to patch "etherboot" for PCI NE2k clones,
should first check "/proc/ioports" before blindly entering any port

Harald, can you please let us know, if this patch fixed your problem.

Good luck,


Markus Gutschke                         Internet:
Infoscape, Inc                          Phone:    +1-415-537-3778
657 Mission Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94105

Disclaimer: The above message represents my personal opinion; It does not
            constitute an offical statement by Infoscape!

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