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Re: netboot-rom doesn't start?


Heinrich Rebehn <> wrote:
> netboot-0.6.1 works fine, _IF_ it works.
> On some PCs the bootrom does not seem to get executed at all.
> No message is printed on screen and normal disk boot is performed.
> The NIC (3C509) is configured ok, etherboot-prom works fine.
> Question: Is there any way for netboot to start and then
> exit to normal boot without any message?

Yes, there is. You can create the bootrom so that it let's the BIOS
look for bootable devices first before it executes. So, if you selected
the appropriate option during your makerom run, and there is a bootable
partition on your hard disk, the system will perform a normal disk boot.
The solution is to either turn the BIOS boot option off during bootrom
creation, or to mark all hard disk partitions as unbootable.

Another reason might be, that your BIOS is not detecting the bootrom at
all. In that case, you should check with a debugger, if you can read
the bootrom contents properly.


There is such a fine line between genius and stupidity.
  - David St. Hubbins, "Spinal Tap"
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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