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Hi, I'm having some trouble getting etherboot 3.1 going at the moment.
As suggested I'm just trying to get it working off floppy first (using
the distributed binary).

The problem is the loading of the configuration file that I specify
using the bootp bf= setting.

If bf= points to a configuration file, the client just continually
reloads the same configuration file. Whereas if bf= points to a linux
kernal the client correctly recorrectly recognises it as such at loads
it up.

The problem isn't the contents of the configuration file as I've
reduced it to just "help" with no luck.

Also, It doesn't want to find a cfg.<IP-number> as the documentation

Presumably I'm doing something wrong.

(Please forgive my cluelessness) (I'm wanting to make use of, Diskless-Xwin-Toolkit)


	zeros and ones will take us there....
	peace. plastic. 1997.

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