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RE: WinNT-Server for Linux-Diskless-Client


You could use dhcp server that comes with NT server distribution. 
Don't know about nfsd for NT, sorry. I boot Linux diskless clients
from NT workstation without nfs. I use SMB instead. This is what I do:

Program eprom with ne.rom bootprom from Etherboot-4.0
to be plugged into my ne2000 nic (in fact our SBC hasn't
ether card, ether chip is surface mounted, no eprom socket
available. So I just put bootprom into flash as BIOS extension). 

Prepare root image to be loaded into ramdisk.
It includes kernel and minimal file system with
only files necessary for booting and starting 
networking. mknbi-linux is used to make tagged image
(~1.5MB worked for me).

Prepare remote file system to be put on NT. In my case
it's mostly X stuff, Java, support libs, whatever you want
after logging in.

Install and config bootp/tftp suit on NT (like I said, you
don't need bootp if use NT Server, but you still need tftp).
I use bootpd/tftpd services from Tellurian (

Install remote file system on NT and share it (don't forget to create 
account for Linux client).

Sure, this setup uses more ram than nfs-root but than again you 
don't have to buy/configure nfs server.

If there will be any interest I might try to write some mini-howto.


Good day, eh?

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:	Tuesday, June 16, 1998 6:16 AM
Subject:	WinNT-Server for Linux-Diskless-Client

I've got a problem: i must set up a render-farm. The main-programm is
an WinNT-Rendering-Programm. Now I wanna boot 2 Linux-Diskless-Clients
from the WinNT machine.

Is there a free bootpd and nfsd for WinNT ? Where can I get it ? How do
I configure it ? I want to use a bootimage made by netboot and a few
linux Programmes.

Some idea's ???

Thanks Jan
Jan Blunck -
 "CPU -- Christliche Programmierer Union"
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