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Re: netboot-0.8, MGL problem

    ML> I'm trying to use the MGL menus with netboot-0.8 on a 486 with a
    ML> 3c509. It looks like the only accepted keystroke is <ENTER>, which
    ML> selects the default entry.

Although nobody seems to be interested in this,- the keyboard
interception works, as I'm getting away with a "get" to a char
variable and a construct like

	get key;
	if key = '1' load ....
	if key = '2' load ...
until false

The error seems to be in the comparison part of the select
statement. I've looked into the yacc source of mgl --- without
learning too much though.

I much prefer the MGL variant over vendor tags, although once I built
some tools with m4 and perl to make that easier. It would be fine to
have ANSI graphics with netboot too, I think.


| Michael Lipka | | |
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