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netboot-0.8, MGL problem

I'm trying to use the MGL menus with netboot-0.8 on a 486 with a
3c509. It looks like the only accepted keystroke is <ENTER>, which
selects the default entry.

I modified "screen main" of ~netboot/mknbi-mgl/test/menu.mgl to look

***	    item 1:	print "1 selected" at [0,19];
***			get i at [0, 20] with timeout 30;
***			print "Loading Linux from server" at [0,21];
***			gotoxy [0,21];
***			load root + "/images/linux/vmlinuz.i386" from "vader";

compiled it to menu.out with

***	../mknbi -d -x -x -x menu.mgl menu.out
***	Source file name  = menu.mgl
***	Output file name  = menu.out

***	Load record information:
***	  Magic number:     0x1B031336
***	  Length of header: 16 bytes (standard) + 12 bytes (vendor)
***	  Flags:            0x00000001
***	  Location address: 1000:0000
***	  Execute address:  2000:0000
***	  Vendor data:      GK-mknbi-mgl

***	Record #1:
***	  Length of header: 16 bytes (standard) + 0 bytes (vendor)
***	  Vendor tag:       0x10 (compiled program)
***	  Reserved flags:   0x00
***	  Flags:            0x04 (absolute address, last record)
***	  Load address:     0x00020000
***	  Image length:     0x00001800 bytes
***	  Memory length:    0x00020000 bytes

***	257% root@vader:/var/src/net/netboot/mknbi-mgl/test>cp -av menu.out /tftpboot/images/menu/test
***	menu.out -> /tftpboot/images/menu/test

and bootptab

***	.net:\
***	        :bf=tftpboot/images/menu/test:\
***		:ds=vader:\
***		:gw=vader:\
***	        :ht=ethernet:\
***	        :sm=\
***	        :vm=auto:

***		:ha=0020af46040f:

did a "bootpef" (although not necessary here) and a "killall

The menu gets loaded and tries to execute the default-entry after
timeout (which doesn't make sense btw. as there is no hard
drive). Meanwhile I can type any key I want with no other effect than
prolonging the timeout, which seems to indicate, that the
"select"-loop is executed. I tried "1" from the keyboard, "1" from the
num-pad, both with and without following one of both ENTER-keys (any
ENTER always selects default).

Does anybody have an idea what is happening? 


| Michael Lipka | | |
Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it,- poorly
-- Henry Spencer

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