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Re: Slow booting with Intel EtherExpress Pro 100B


1. Does the card perform flawlessly from an O.S. ?
   Try doing an ftp and see if you get acceptable transfer rates.
   ( As an example I usually get about 4-8Mbytes a second ).

2. Are you using a 100 hub - or are you using a back to back cable.
   Only asking because I've had terrible problems with back to back.

3. Are you using the latest tftpd ?

4. Is the network heavily loaded ?

5. Is the server upto the job in hand ?

As a final ( but useless comment ) it works okay for me with the same
network card as you - indeed I can download a 400k kernel + 2.5Mbyte
ramdisk and boot to a linux prompt in about 6 seconds on a 486AMD133
client. ( Most time spent uncompressing the Ramdisk )

But in conclusion all I can say is that it looks like the client is
timing out. ( Actually tftp is a little notorious for this - but I don't
think it should be as bad as your information suggests ).


Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah wrote:
> Hi:
> I'm using netboot on floppy for Intel EtherExpress Pro 100B NIC card.  It
> works, but it takes very long to boot as a result of transmission errors.
> Here's some example of the trsansmission transcript:
>         Block 19 Image 4: Start=90200, End=9A000
>         Block 21 TFTP: Block 21 != 22
>         Block 32 TFTP: Block 32 != 33
>                   .
>                   .
>                   .
> And so on.  What could be the problem?
> Thanks.
> Napi

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