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Re: How to look for specific bootp server

>> Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah writes:
>>  > Using etherboot, how do I configure the PROM or floppy so that the diskless
>>  > client will look for a specific bootp server only.  This is to avoid conflicts
>>  > arising from the presence of more than one bootp servers.
>> This is not possible. The BOOTP protocol requires the initial request
>> is sent out as a broadcasted datagram. OTOH, you should not see any
>> conflicts between the servers, because you servers should be
>> configured to only respond to known MAC addresses.
>In the case of DHCP (if you have configured etherboot/netboot to use DHCP
>rather than BOOTP), the protocol allows for multiple servers which the
>client then chooses between (usually, I think, by grabbing the first

Aha.  How do we configure the floppy/EPROM to achieve this?  Thanks.


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