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My patches for Phoenix BIOS

> >I have got the BIOS boot specification from Phoenix and by making 
> >some changes to Etherboot loader (adding PCI and PnP headers) got
> >my etherexpress to boot, just that I cannot erase the flash now 
> >as it does not want to do stiffy boot anymore. 
> >Will have to set up dos ramdisk I guess...
> Can you please send me the patches so that I can add them to the next
> release of Etherboot?
> 	Thanks, Ken
Ok here they go, sorry they are a bit ugly...



! At entry, the processor is in 16 bit real mode and the code is being
! executed from an address it was not linked to. Code must be pic and
! 32 bit sensitive until things are fixed up.

#include ""

	.globl	_main
#ifdef	BOOTROM
	.word	0xAA55			! BIOS extension signature
size:	.byte	0			! number of 512 byte blocks
					! = number of 256 word blocks
					! filled in by makerom program
	jmp	over			! skip over checksum
	.byte	0			! checksum 
	jmp	shortjmp		! alternate entry point +6
					! used by floppyload
        .word 0x0000                    ! reserverd
	.word 0x0000                    ! reserved
        .word 0x0000                    ! reserved 
        .word 0x0000                    ! reserved
        .word 0x0000                    ! reserved
	.word 0x0000                    ! reserved 
        .word 0x0000                    ! reserved
        .word 0x0000                    ! reserved
        .word PCI                       ! offset to pci data structure
        .word PnP                       ! offset to PnP expansion header

	.ascii "PCIR"                   ! signature
        .word  0x8086                   ! vendor id (hardcode as Intel)  
                                        ! should be filled by makerom ? 
        .word  0x1229                   ! device ID Intel 82557
                                        ! should be filled by makerom ?
        .word  0x0000                   ! pointer to vital product data
        .word  0x0018                   ! PCI data structure length 
        .byte  0                        ! PCI data structure revision
        .byte  0                        ! Class code byte 1
        .byte  0                        ! Class code byte 2
        .byte  0x02                     ! Class code byte 3 (from hexdumping
                                        ! Intel bootrom image)
        .word  0x0000                   ! Image length same as offset 02h 
        .word  0x0001                   ! revision level of code /data
        .byte  0                        ! code type
        .byte  0x80                     ! indicator (from hexdumping 
                                        ! Intel bootrom image)
        .word  0x0000                   ! reserved
	jmp blockmove 
	.ascii "$PnP"                   ! signature
	.byte 0x01                      ! structure revision
        .byte 0x02                      ! length (in 16 byte increments)
        .word 0x0000                    ! offset of next header
        .byte 0                         ! Reserved
 	.byte 0                         ! checksum filled by makerom
        .long 0x00000000                ! Device identifier
        .word 0x0000                    ! pointer to manufacturer str
        .word 0x0000                    ! pointer to product name
        .byte 0                         ! device type code byte 1
        .byte 0                         ! device type code byte 2
        .byte 2                         ! device type code byte 3 (from 
                                        ! hexdumping Intel bootrom image)
        .byte 0x14                      ! device indictors (from 
                                        ! hexdumping Intel bootrom image)
        .word 0x0000                    ! boot connection vector
        .word 0x0000                    ! disconnect vector 
        .word over                      ! bootstrap entry vector 
        .word 0x0000                    ! reserved
        .word 0x0000                    ! static resource information vector
#ifndef	NOINT19H
	push	ax
	push	ds
	xor	ax,ax
	mov	ds,ax			! access first 64kB segment
	mov	ax,SCRATCHVEC+4		! check if already installed
	cmp	ax,#MAGIC		! check magic word
	jz	installed
	mov	ax,INT19VEC		! hook into INT19h
	mov	ax,INT19VEC+2
	mov	SCRATCHVEC+2,ax
	mov	ax,#start19h
	mov	INT19VEC,ax
	mov	ax,cs
	mov	INT19VEC+2,ax
	mov	ax,#MAGIC		! set magic word
	mov	SCRATCHVEC+4,ax
	pop	ds
	pop	ax
start19h:				! clobber magic id, so that we will
	xor	ax,ax			!   not inadvertendly end up in an
	mov	ds,ax			!   endless loop
	mov	SCRATCHVEC+4,ax
	mov	ax,SCRATCHVEC+2		! restore original INT19h handler
	mov	INT19VEC+2,ax
	mov	INT19VEC,ax
#endif	/* NOINT19H */
        mov	si,#_body-_main		! offset of _body
	/* fall thru */
#else	/* BOOTROM */
	mov	si,#0x100+_body-_main
#endif	/* BOOTROM */
! Relocate body of boot code to RELOC:0
	xor	di,di			! di = 0
	mov	ax,#RELOC>>4
        mov     es,ax
#ifdef	BOOTROM
	xor	cx,cx
	mov	ax,cs
	mov	ds,ax			! for the ref to size below
	mov	ch,size-_main
#else	/* BOOTROM */
	mov	cx,#[_main-_body+COMSIZE]/2
#endif	/* BOOTROM */
	seg	cs

! Change stack
	mov	bx,#RELOC>>4		!  new ss
	mov	ds,bx			!  new ds
	mov	cx,#STACKADDR		!  new sp
	mov	ss,bx
	mov	sp,cx
	callf	#0,RELOC>>4		!  call Etherboot body
	int	#0x19

! The body of etherboot is attached here at build time
	.align	4


Calculate ROM size for 3rd byte and ROM checksum for 6th byte in ROM image.

-3 option makes the last two bytes of an 8k ROM 0x80. The 3c503 ASIC will
report this value regardless of the ROM contents, so we need to make
the checksum work properly. A 3Com EtherStart ROM I have handy sets
these to 0x80, so we'll use that for now. 0x04 has also been reported.
Any more offers?

#define PHOENIX

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* should be powers of 2 and MAX a multiple of MIN */
#define	MINROMSIZE	8192L
#define	MAXROMSIZE	65536L

#define	MAGIC_3C503	0x80

unsigned char *rom;
long romsize = 0L;		/* for autosizing */

/* read the first three bytes to get the ROM size */
long getromsize(FILE *fd)
	unsigned char	buffer[3];
	long		size, i;

	if (fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 3, fd) != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get first 3 bytes of file\n");
	/* reset pointer to beginning of file */
	if (fseek(fd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
	size = buffer[2] * 512L;
	/* sizes are usually powers of two, warn if not */
	for (i = MINROMSIZE; i < MAXROMSIZE && i < size; i *= 2)
	if (size > 0 && i > size)
		fprintf(stderr, "%ld is a strange size for a boot ROM\n",
	return (size);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i;
	FILE *fd;
	unsigned int sum;
	char *progname;
	int is3c503;
	extern int optind;
	extern char *optarg;

	progname = argv[0];
	is3c503 = 0;
	while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "3s:")) >= 0) {
		switch (i) {
		case 's':
			romsize = atol(optarg);
			if (romsize <= 0)
				romsize = 32768L;

		case '3':
			is3c503 = 1;
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;
	if (argc < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-s romsize] [-3] rom-file\n", progname);
	if ((fd = fopen(argv[0], "r+")) == NULL) {
	/* If size not specified, infer it from 3rd byte */
	if (romsize == 0)
		romsize = getromsize(fd);
	/* If that is 0, choose the right size */
	if (romsize == 0)
		romsize = MAXROMSIZE;
	if ((rom = malloc(romsize)) == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot malloc memory for ROM buffer\n");
	/* fill with FFs, slightly less work for PROM burner
	   and allows limited patching */
	memset(rom, 0xFF, romsize);
	if ((i = fread(rom, sizeof(char), romsize, fd)) < 0) {
	if (i == romsize && fgetc(fd) != EOF) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ROM size of %d not big enough for data\n", romsize);
	/* shrink it down to the smallest size that will do */
	for (romsize = MAXROMSIZE; romsize > MINROMSIZE && romsize >= 2*i; )
		romsize /= 2;
	rom[2] = romsize / 512L;
	rom[5] = 0;
#ifdef PHOENIX
        rom[rom[0x18]+0x10] = rom[2];
	/* 3c503 requires last two bytes to be MAGIC_3C503 */
	if (is3c503 && romsize == MINROMSIZE) {
		rom[MINROMSIZE - 1] = rom[MINROMSIZE - 2] = MAGIC_3C503;
	for (i=0, sum=0; i < romsize; i++)
		sum += rom[i];
	rom[5] = -sum;
	/* double check */
	for (i=0, sum=0; i < romsize; i++)
		sum += rom[i];
	if (sum & 0xFF)
		printf("checksum fails.\n");
#ifdef PHOENIX
        for (i=rom[0x1a], sum=0; i< 32; i++ )
                sum += rom[i];
        rom[rom[0x1a] + 0x09] = -sum;  

	if (fseek(fd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
	if (fwrite(rom, sizeof(char), romsize, fd) != romsize) {
 * Local variables:
 *  c-basic-offset: 8
 * End:

  Alex Harin, PhD           Universal Computer Services
  Tel  +27 11 339-6111      PO Box 31266 Braamfontein 2017, South Africa
  Cell +27 82 900-4779      20th Floor, Total House, Smit St, Braamfontein 
  Fax  +27 11 339-3421      Johannesburg, South Africa ********** ****************************

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