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Re: core dump over NFS?

>	I intend to keep my main root filesystem as ramdisk but other things
>such as /lib and my main application as residing on a remote NFS
>server.  My question is:  in case the main application running amok and
>cause core dump, will it necessarily core dump back to the server disk
>via NFS, assuming the core dump is not so serious as to render the
>kernel braindead?

Yes it will, diskless root or not. With a fast network connection and a
good server this isn't necessarily a problem. The problem is when lots
of clients do it around the same time.

>	If so, do I have to patch the kernel for NFS swap?  I intend to keep
>the main root residing on RAMdisk anyway so my NFS mount only plays a
>secondary role.

Won't help. Swap is for moving working memory in and out of swap space.

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