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troubles with mknbi-blkdev


 I tried to use mknbi-blkdev (or the output of that command). But when
booting, all the i get is 'cant find a valid blkdev in reply from bootp'
or something like that...
 I have the followin line in my menu definition, is think it's made
according to the doc's, but they are not all that clear....
          :T207="Local Disk:::fd0":

It boots the blkdev image (fd0), from /tftpboot/ and fd0 is a symlink to

 Have i done something wrong here?? (it's etherboot-4.0pre7 i'm using)

Thomas Mørch
licensed ham, with callsign OZ2AFO. License category: CEPT-1

If God had intended man to smoke He would have set him on fire.

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