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etherboot-4.0pre7 released


This one is linked to the home page. Please test it and let me know if
you have any problems.

I hope this will be the last prerelease before the real 4.0 release
which will be in early April (not the 1st I think).

	Thanks, Ken

Here the main changes from pre5 to pre7 (pre6 was not announced on this

+ Charlie Brady confirmed that the Lance driver works with PCI so there
is a new lancepci driver now.

+ New drivers for 3c507 and NI5210, both of which use the i82586 chip. It
works properly for both now. I needed to have enough receive buffers to
make sure i82586 never goes into an out of resources state. 3c507 driver
has one quirk, it only responds after second bootp request. I seem to
remember something about this problem of losing the first packet after
initialisation in early Linux discussions.  I am also now convinced
that Intel designers have weird minds. BTW, NI5210 driver assumes 8k
RAM because if you put the ROM on the NIC you can only have 8k RAM. If
you are putting the ROM off-board and you want 16k, well, talk to me.

+ Updated contrib/mkelksnbi for ELKS 0.0.68.

+ Confirmed that the SMC8216 driver works. 8416 not tested, it's a PnP
card. Can anybody confirm this?

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