Netboot Mailing List (by thread)

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>>> STATUS: netboot temporarily disabled <<<


netboot is temporarily disabled. New mails to netboot will be stored,
but only be delivered, when the trouble with the wrong mail2news-gateway
is cleared. Sorry, I've not the time to implement a filter this night.
So some mails will be delayed.

A little correction: it's not the gate at baghira!...

Best regards,

   Norman Fahlbusch    | "Na grossartig, Charlie Brown. Dieser Stein hat 4000    | Jahre gebraucht um ans Ufer zu kommen und Du schmeisst
   D-30451 Hannover    | ihn einfach wieder ins Meer!" - Charlie: "Alle meine
<pgp-mailto: A0C160F9> | Taten wecken in mir Schuldgefuehle."

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