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Re: RFC's relevant to Etherboot and Netboot and tftp packet size

Mike Hammer writes:
 > PS. When does the tftp actually do the packet size negotiation with
 >     tftpd and how does it know what the maximum packet size allowed
 >     by tftpd?  Are all these information embedded in bootptab file
 >     that gets sent during bootp replies?

RFC1782 details how option
negotiation works. The client (i.e. etherboot) sends out a
read-request asking for large transfer packet size. If the tftp server 
knows about RFC1782 style extensions, it will respond with an OACK
package confirming the large transfer package size; otherwise it will
send an ACK package forcing the client to fall back to the default
packet size.


Markus Gutschke                         Internet:
Infoscape, Inc                          Phone:    +1-415-537-3778
657 Mission Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94105

Disclaimer: The above message represents my personal opinion; It does
            not constitute an offical statement by Infoscape!

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