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Re: How to detect EPROM on network card


In article <> you wrote:
> Thanks.  I've found the packet driver for 3c905 within the self-extracting
> archive.  Now I need to know how to make the client look for the EPROM on the
> LAN card first instead of other drives.

When you generate the bootrom image using 'make bootrom' or the makerom
program, you will be asked if you want the bootrom to look for boot drives
first before starting the netboot process. Answer this question with 'no'
to avoid your client to boot from other drives.
Another way would be to deactivate all partitions on the boot hard disk (the
system will automatically use the bootrom when there is no bootable partition
installed), and then use MGL to start the individual operating systems.


Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the
part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of.	- They Might Be Giants
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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