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Re: Booting Win95 with etherboot & samba.

Joerg Lenneis wrote:
> It is possible to boot Windows 95 diskless, but buggy. There are two
> problems to be overcome:

  Does this mean out of Linux?  BTW, can a diskless win95 run network
dos games?  That's I am going to try.  Please, let me know.  I don't
want reinvent the wheel.

> - get a bootprom to boot Windows without harddisk. This is
> doable/has been done by commercial vendors.
> - Get Windows 95 to "do the right thing" after the boot, which would
> be to access the registry over the network. This is also possible
> but only via NetBEUI (this is the reason a setup with Windows NT
> works) or IPX. This unfortunately eliminates Samba as a network server
> (TCP only).


 What about using Mars?  One more question is that speed(eh!)?
Will it enough speed(100mhz) without feeling uncomfortable?

Namsuk Kim

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