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Menus during booting


After both 3C509 and SMC cards booting now, I tried mknbi-blkdev as
image to be able to boot from floppy. I don't want to include it in the
bootrom for safety reasons. The bootroms I made didn't convert /dev/hda0
and /dev/fd0 to the devices. I made a floppy boot that allowes these
filenames and that works (-DFLOPPY).
Now I tried to use the bootroms with a mknbi-blkdev image, and that
brought me in the Vendor tags part, making menu's and bootup messages.
I use the next bootptab:
  :T184="Dit wordt een expiriment":\
  :T185="This is an expiriment":\
  :T207="Local Disk:::/dev/hda0":

According to the manual the bf-field is overrules by the menu, but I
don't see a menu, I only see the first line(T184) and messages about not
being able to load /kernel. Inserting a bf, just boots that file.
Sometimes I see a message about Tag 160 being illegal. Removing that
doesn't help. I changed T128 with the last byte 0, but using both
netboot and etherboot and from both the floppy and rom version won't
make any difference. The Makefiles tell me MENU is on.

In the mail backup no one complains about menu's. Am I the only one. It
seems just a nice feature, especially with passwords.
Has it sometning to do with my Linux version (2.0.0) or the bootd of
that system?
I'm stuck, any clues?

greetings, Ton
Name: Ton Biegstraaten              Tel : +31152782467
Org.: TU Delft, Faculty TWI         Fax : +31152787141
      Zuidplantsoen 4               Mail:
      2628 BZ Delft, The Netherlands

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