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Re: Cannot Compile mknbi-blkdev

>> Let me know how it goes so I can correct for 3.2.
>It works!

Thanks, I'll fix in 3.2.

>Yet one question: If the bootp server becomes unavailable,
>how can i achieve that the bootprom falls back to booting
>from floppy/hard disk (The "normal" boot sequence) instead
>of waiting indefinitely?

I think this requires that the etherboot code to be modified so that it
will eventually timeout and do an INT19H. Something to consider.
Interesting, as it will put yet another timeout loop into the process.
>From inner to outer:

	bootp retransmit
	RFC1533 wait
	proposed timeout to INT19H

The problem with the last timeout is that it will go to the original
INT19H as the bootrom has unhooked itself. So on a truely diskless
machine it will halt on no boot device.


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