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Re: Only 4 out of 32 kB of bootrom recognized

>'55 aa' is necessary for a proper rom image, and the 0x40 specifies
>that the bootrom size is 0x40 = 64 times 512 bytes, which is 32 kB.
>When plugged into the D-Link card, the first three bytes read
>  55 aa 08 ...
>which says the bootrom is 0x08 = 8 times 512 bytes, i.e. 4 kB in
>size.  We have no clue how the NIC, the BIOS or whatsoever can modify
>this value!

If the NIC mediates access to the ROM, it could substitute some other
value. Is there any setup program that you need to run to configure
the NIC?
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