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fixed NCSA Telnet available

[I have just posted this to a couple of newsgroups. It's very suitable
for netbooting, I successfully ran telnet off a diskless AT with 384kB
XMS a moment ago.]


I have been fixing the last NCSA PC/Telnet sources ever released,
version 2.308.  In short, I achieved these two important things:

+ Configuration obtained via BOOTP, no needed
+ Ifdefed out lots of stuff to shrink the footprint

The upshot is that it is possible to fit a minimal DOS, Packet Driver and
the NCSA telnet binary on a single, universal floppy; or in a network
boot image that can be downloaded via Ethernet.  Names are looked up
via DNS so again no needed here.

Both sources and binaries for the updated NCSA Telnet are available.
For the full story see:

(You might want to disable Javascript to avoid annoying ads. Sorry.)

NCSA PC/Telnet is public domain and has not been supported by NCSA
for a long time now, according to the documentation. So please don't
bother them about any problems, bother me. My changes are public domain
too. Please feel free to distribute at will.


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