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Re: mknbi-blkdev

Thomas M. writes:
|  I was just trying to get mknbi-blkdev to work with my etherboot-4.0pre8
| (AFAIR). 
|  But i keep getting a error message from the loaded image, something like:
| No valid blockdevice found in bootp record (or something like that).

I haven't traced that out, when I ran into that problem I just modified the
source to boot the partition I needed.  Which still didn't help ... I'll
explain later.

|  I was planing on using it to start win95 off the local harddisk, right
| now i disable/enable the bootprom every time i change from linux/netware
| to win95...

Booting win95/win98 from the disk is a problem.  Note that etherboot
already has code to boot a hard drive or floppy.  However I haven't
figured out what needs to be changes in the boot code so that win95/98
doesn't lock up.  I fixed the code in the exit by grabbing the patches
from the update of the FreeBSD netboot code.  So for now the solution I 
have been using is to burn an eprom with the "Boot from network" prompt 
with the default of no.  This way the machine boots win95 and if I want to
boot over the net I answer it as yes.  Not the ideal solution but 
okay for now.

I plan to still poke at the boot from hard drive win95/win98 problem.
Booting FreeBSD and I assume Linux doesn't have this problem since we
know what they require to boot.

Doug A.

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