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I have put this at

(Not linked to main page.)

Please test it if you can. The changes from pre3 are:

+ Patches from Jim Hague (thanks!) for the following:

* Added PIO mode for 3c503 to ns8390.c. Changed the card detection to
  detect shared memory or PIO and use the selected one, and removed
  a jumper check that failed on the Bull (no jumpers).

* Added more #ifdefs to ns8390.c to include only code relevant to the
  card being compiled, and removed unnecessary run-time card vendor
  behaviour branches - it's all now #ifdefd.

* Added a -3 parameter to makerom to set the last two bytes to 0x80.
  These are the values they have in the 3Com Etherboot image that was
  in the Bull. (Also on the 3c503 card I have - Ken.) Also altered the
  Makefile to add this parameter when building a 3c503 image.

* Modifies lzhuf.c, objdump86.c & size86.c to work on either-endian systems.

* Adds a -DT503_AUI config paramter to let you choose AUI or BNC on
  3c503s.  Previously it defaulted to AUI, and you had to change the
  code to alter it.

* Changed the BCC include directory to /usr/bcc/include. If you use the
  BCC include files they don't define u_char, u_short etc. I've added
  these into linuxdef.h, ifdef'd on BCC.

* Adds a trivial Linux 3c503 driver patch to the contrib directory
  to let it spot these 'ere Bull things.

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