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etherboot-3.2 won't compile


since i upgraded to binutils

	reno{rebehn} 65:  ld -v
	GNU ld version 2.8.1 (with BFD linux-	

i cannot use "make 3c509.rom" any more.
The "objdump" command no longer accepts the "-k" switch.

Yet another thing:
On german keyboards the Y and Z keys are swapped. This is annoying
when i use the ASK_BOOT option. I think there should be a
ASK_BOOT_POSITIVE option or so, which i could set to "Z" to indicate
that "Z" is a positive answer to the question. Can you provide this?
I could also send you a patch, but i am not sure if this is really
a good solution, a suitable keyboard mapping file would certainly
be better.


Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341

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