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Re: what about netbooting anything?

Hi Martin,

I'm not familiar with FreeBSD but some of the issues are these:

How is the kernel image loaded? Is it a single image? Does it have
sections like Linux that must be loaded at particular memory
addresses?  Essentially you have to figure out the boot process of

If the kernel takes parameters and you want to pass it some, how does
it receive them? In Linux, the loader is expected to leave parameters
at a particular memory address.

After the kernel is loaded, how does it expect to mount a filesystem
over the network (if it's not a filesystemless application)? Linux
allows a root filesystem to be mounted via NFS. You may have to find
out what FreeBSD allows. And swap, can that go over the network also?

I'm sure there are other issues I have missed.

As you can see, many of these questions can only be answered by digging
into the FreeBSD docs or sources. There are no general answers to these


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