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Re: netboot via BOOTP

>> No, it looks like you have some security wall on the server. Check that
>> the diskless client is allowed to fetch files with tftp. Maybe you have
>> tcpwrappers running?
>Yeah, it looks like it's a security problem.  But I got another message
>before that one displayed:
>	tftpd: trying to get file /tftpboot/bootImage
>To me, the 386 is able to get the boot image (or at least part of the
>boot image), because it does uncompress the kernel.  It just never
>finished.  If it's a security issue of tftp, what controls it?  How can
>I find out whether I have tcpwrappers running or not?

Have a look in /etc/inetd.conf. If the tftp service mentions tcpd then
you are running tcpwrappers. Check the identity of the hosts for the
two fetches. It's not clear from what you sent, but you seem to be
saying that there are two fetches via tftpd, the first one for the boot
image (which is done by the bootrom) and a second one, which fails.
What is the IP address of the client for the second message? Maybe it's
one that's forbidden access. Check the security logs.

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