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ANNOUNCE: Etherboot 3.1 beta

Dear Netboot list,

I have had some time to work on Etherboot 3.0 and have fixed some bugs
and cleaned up the code a bit. In particular, both the 16 and 32 bit
versions now use the same loaders (plain and uncompressed). The 8kB
16-bit version is a possibility for a universal TCP boot ROM for those
NICs supported. 3.1 will be a maintenance release; there are no new
features.  I'm announcing a beta here so that you can try it out

You can get 3.1beta from

In reply to Bernd (who is being cc'ed on this mail):

>Hi Ken!
>I heard from Markus that you are revamping the bootcode.
>I would be particulary interested in that, 'cause the old
>code does not work for my setup. Can you point me to
>a newer beta-version?
>We are using etherboot on our pool at the moment,
>however if I could get it to work with win95 and win3.11,
>I' be really glad.
>Thanks, Bernd

I don't have any experience with booting DOS or Windoze; however that
is being worked on in the Netboot package, the latest release of which
is 0.5.3. Bernd, if you are not on the netboot mailing list, you can
join by sending an email with the one line

	subscribe netboot


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