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Re: Cross-compile problem (continued)

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Gero Kuhlmann writes:
 > When using an a.out compiler under Unix or any DOS C compiler I know of,
 > the compiler itself appends _one_ underscore at the beginning of any public
 > name. Since assemblers don't do this, you have to append this one under-
 > score in assembler modules. Appending _two_ underscores in assembler modules
 > is IMHO just a convention, which is not necessary. If the name is __inet_ntoa
 > in the assembler module, the C compiler can access it as _inet_ntoa, e.g.
 > with one leading underscore. However, this only applies to a.out under UNIX
 > and most DOS compilers. The ELF format does NOT use leading underscores.
 > Therefore, if you define inet_ntoa in a module compiled with an ELF compiler,
 > it will appear exactly like this in the resulting object file. Again, even
 > with ELF it's still common practice to use two leading underscores in assem-
 > bler routines in a library.

There are actually some rules about name-spaces as defined by POSIX. I
forgot the details, but user programs must never have any symbols
(even local symbols!) that start with an underscore. I think, double
underscore is also defined and the restrictions are even stronger. It
might be OK to use single underscores in libraries, but I cannot vouch
for it.


Markus Gutschke                         Internet:
Infoscape, Inc                          Phone:    +1-415-537-3778
657 Mission Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94105

Disclaimer: The above message represents my personal opinion; It does
            not constitute an offical statement by Infoscape!

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