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Re: comments on the PASSWD and FLOPPY options? wrote:
>  > I then started from fresh. Without FLOPPY and/or PASSWD everything went
>  > fine on both my 3C509B and SMC/Ultra cards. As soon as I introduced
>  > FLOPPY and or PASSWD the bootprogram hangs in the tftp section.
> This looks suspiciously as if there is not enough memory for all of
> the drivers in the boot image. You cannot have more than
> 32kB for static and dynamic memory; this includes such things as the
> stack, which is not directly visible in the output from "objdump"!

So the limit isn't what fits un the prom. And indeed this limit is
exceeded. I removed all unnecessary drivers and it did run, only it
didn't ask for a passwd ...
I finally dived in the code and that shows that a passwd should be 32
chars. Th example in README.Vendor only has 31 chars, the other passwd
is indeed 32. As I can't generate passwd's myself for md5 I copied one
and probably the wrong one. Introducing the other gave the expected
I played a little and suddenly I got the same silly thing I wrote
 > access. In the sequence of testing I got silly things. The files from
>  > the menus was always /kernel.
I looked again in the code and it says something about GCC2.7.2 about
clobbering. I don't know if this applies to this problem but according
to me the code contains a bug. In C you can't assing to a parameter and
expect the result have any effect on the calling side.
kernel is a parameter and the name of the file is assigned to it. You
should explicitly return kernel then and change the occurrence in
main(two times) also netboot.h should change the definition.
After this change it works again. It's a bad (good?) coincidence it
worked before.

Now I only should find md5 for Linux to be complete and also hope that
the other reason for this excercise (apart from using Linux as a
X-terminal without disks), booting Chorus/ClassiX can be done easily.


Name: Ton Biegstraaten              Tel : +31152782467
Org.: TU Delft, Faculty TWI         Fax : +31152787141
      Zuidplantsoen 4               Mail:
      2628 BZ Delft, The Netherlands

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